Showing 1 - 14 of 14 Results
Civil Reserve Air Fleet and Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm Issues for the Future by Chenoweth, Mary E. ISBN: 9780833014375 List Price: $13.00
Contractual Component Repair Policy A Key to Improving Depot Responsiveness by Chenoweth, Mary E., Abell, ... ISBN: 9780833016072 List Price: $13.00
Estimating the Benefits of the Air Force Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Initiative by Arkes, Jeremy, Chenoweth, M... ISBN: 9780833041883 List Price: $21.00
F100 Engine Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Demonstration Findings from the Air Force... by Chenoweth, Mary E., Grammic... ISBN: 9780833038890 List Price: $20.00
Analysis of Government Accountability Office Bid Protests in Air Force Source Selections ove... by Light, Thomas, Camm, Frank,... ISBN: 9780833050915 List Price: $18.00
Best Practices in Supplier Relationship Management and Their Early Implementation in the Air... by Chenoweth, Mary E., Moore, ... ISBN: 9780833051448 List Price: $24.00
Air Force Contingency Contracting: Reachback and Other Opportunities for Improvement by John A. Ausink, Laura Werbe... ISBN: 9780833050120 List Price: $20.00
Organizational Policy Levers Can Affect Acquisition Reform Implementation in Air Force Repai... by Chenoweth, Mary E., Hunter,... ISBN: 9780833034885 List Price: $22.01
Novelists Speak : American Fiction in the 1940's by Stratton, Mary Chenoweth, S... ISBN: 9780916375300